Self-Awareness: Key Elements

Self-awareness means you know yourself very well. You know your own personality and you have a sharp realization of yourself including your strengths and weaknesses. You also understand your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and motivations. If you are aware of yourself, it will be easier for you to understand other people. You will also detect their perception of you.

In order to be self-aware, there are three key elements you need to know and do.

Evaluate yourself in an objective manner

If you know how to look at yourself objectively, you will learn how to easily accept yourself. You will also find and learn ways on how to improve yourself for the future. Write down your perception. Doing so will help you identify your current understanding. This can be the things you want to improve or achieve. It can also be the things you think you’re good at.

There are several ways on how to assess yourself objectively. This includes thinking of all the accomplishments and other things that make you proud of yourself. Think about all the things that make you happy from your childhood until today. Think of the changes that happened over the years and the reason behind it. You can also ask for an honest opinion, what and how they feel about you from people and trusted friends. Accept what they have to say wholeheartedly. All those perception and realizations will help you understand your life and yourself.

Write down your goals, priorities, and plans

Being able to know your plans, goals, and priorities, allow you to take actions to achieve it. For larger goals, you can break it down to mini-goals to help you achieve it little by little. This way, your goals may seem less overwhelming.

Perform self-reflection on a daily basis

Self-reflection is the first step to have self-awareness. Take some time every day to self-reflect. Look at yourself as a person. Evaluate yourself honestly. Doing this every day will actually help you improve. This is a great way and a big step to have self-awareness. Get to know yourself deeper.

Self-awareness allows you to create opportunities for self-improvement. It also allows you to make changes in your thoughts, belief, and behavior. Self-awareness is a big step to create or achieve the life you want. It helps you determine your emotions and passions. It also shows how your personality can change your life. Remember this quote “self-awareness doesn’t stop you from making mistakes, it allows you to learn from them”.

How do you help yourself in achieving self-awareness? How do you that you’re already self-aware?

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