Design thinking

Start from where you are in design thinking!

By in Design thinking

Design thinking process is the way to solve unique and messy problems in life. Start with “step zero” which means accepting the problem exists. Design thinking can help your way forward from where ever you are. Regardless of the life problems you are facing. But before you have to figure out which way you should […]

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How work and life views helps to achieve your goals?

By in Design thinking

Design Thinking is not an exclusive property of designers. Although many great innovators in literature, art, music, science, engineering, and business have practiced it. Design Thinking is that designers’ work processes that can help us systematically extract, teach, learn and apply these techniques to solve problems in a creative and innovative way. Also, these techniques […]

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Problem solving techniques in design thinking!

By in Design thinking

Problem-solving can be a huge process that depends on divergent and convergent thinking. It is easy in some situations to solve the problem. But most of the times we feel it difficult to solve problems. Design thinking is one of the ways to solve any problem. Design thinking is concerned with solving problems through design. […]

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Steps to analyze work-life balance!

By in Design thinking

Work-life balance is a difficult challenge for many of us. But it is much necessary for you to involve in social as well as financial factors of life. But missing clarity and specific life design in work-life balance have left many employees putting in longer hours and working harder than ever. In contrast, many studies […]

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What are dysfunctional beliefs and how to re-frame them?

By in Design thinking

Dysfunctional beliefs are similar to cognitive distortions. Many of us want to achieve higher goals and we dream of many worldly pleasures. But the only thing that stops us from dreaming big are these dysfunctional beliefs. So now you might be confused about what are these dysfunctional beliefs? Dysfunctional beliefs: These are negative beliefs that […]

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